In need of rest

So utterly tired

Worn out, worn down

Worried and fatigued.

Longing for relaxation, to lie beside still waters

Yearning to take off this bag that I carry which holds the stuff of life

And put it down for a time

To breathe

To rest a while

Hoping rest will replace weariness,

calm replace concern,

peace replace turbulence;

That sleep will indeed knit the unraveled sleeve of all my care(s)

And I might know true rest.

My prayer that I might wake, my soul repaired

Renewed desire to reach out and touch the fabric of the day –

a gentle touch that greets the day

with gratitude and grace

rejuvenation of joy and strength

in peace, a soul refreshed


Watching angels dance

I awoke to the most gentle of touches on my cheek

like being kissed by a velvet petal

or butterfly wings against my face

a caress so soft it was almost unrecognized by my senses.

A secret invitation whispered on a gentle zephyr

“Come dance with us, come dance”

and how they danced – 

so tender, so quiet but sheer joy

barely movement – absolute beauty – pure grace

the fluid motion of individual beings: separate and united

I watched, astounded, my eyes drinking in the vision

my body paralyzed and mute

so beautiful I cried when it was over

not understanding why I was chosen

not understanding the reason for this –

the gift of being a silent witness

watching angels dance